What is MPOWER’s Mission?

Our main mission is to ensure everyone who steps into one of our classes feels supported, encouraged and empowered in their Martial Arts training. We aim to build confidence through fitness and martial arts.

Are the classes traditional?

There is an element of tradition involved in our classes and this is part of what makes the martial arts so much fun. My experience has been that tradition promotes a feeling of inclusion for everyone regardless of age, grade or ability. As individuals we belong to something greater and this promotes a team spirit.

Are the classes very structured?

Classes are taught in line with our syllabus and with the aim of helping each student work towards their next belt so structure is an important element of our training particularly as we move closer to grading dates. Class structure and how the syllabus is taught changes depending on the age group at hand.

In the children’s classes, structure is an important part of the lesson as it provides a feeling of security in knowing what is to follow and is key in building confidence and understanding. Having said this structure will carefully and purposefully be changed from time to time to encourage children to step outside of their comfort zones and try something new empowering them to set and achieve new goals.

Classes for adults are a little more flexible in their structure as goals can vary substantially between practitioners. For some the aim is the belt, for others it is personal improvement where gradings are less important. We’d like to support you whatever your goal.

Are classes repetitive?

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times”. – Bruce Lee

Repetition is an important part of learning martial arts and indeed any skill as it builds strength and improves mind-body co-ordination which supports correct technique and execution. It is also the best way to monitor results. There will therefore be an element of repetition during classes but varied teaching techniques and strategies along with your noticeable improvement will keep things fun and interesting.

I would like to learn a martial art but am concerned I might be too old. How old is too old?

Martial arts are available to all, although once past a certain age you may find some of the more complex movements involved in Tang Soo Do more challenging. Where necessary, providing you seek advice from your doctor before starting, we would be happy to work with you towards your personal goals and adapt areas of the syllabus where possible.

Do you offer private lessons?

Yes, private lessons are available for the practitioner who would prefer to train with a coach on a 1-2-1 basis.

Private lessons may also be useful for students who would like some additional personal coaching before gradings.

Places are limited so please do get in contact to enquire.

Are you First Aid trained?

Yes; Every care is taken to avoid injury in class but accidents can occasionally happen. All senior instructors are First Aid trained and carry a First Aid kit with them to every class. An accident report form will always be completed following an accident whether first aid is administered or not. Where the accident involves a child, the parent or guardian will be notified as soon as possible.

How often are gradings held?

Gradings are diarised to take place 4 times a year on the last weekend of March, June, September and December.

How often can I grade and what is the requirement to achieve my next belt?

Everyone is different in their ability and the speed with which they progress. If you attend class twice a week then in the early stages grading should be possible every three to four months. As you move up the ranks the syllabus becomes more complicated and demanding meaning you may only grade once or twice a year to enable you to attain the skill level acquired to grade. Please note that there is a minimum attendance required between gradings.